
Magical Keywords For Designing An Assessment

While you are screening for potential performer for your project, there are three critical perspective that you will be looking for, First - Ability to Perform, Second - know-how of the technical ability and third - Ability to learn.

We will see first on how to measure Ability to Perform

If we deeply look at how we can measure once ability to perform is again through three critical elements, namely, Critical thinking, Problem solving and logical reasoning. So how do we measure these capabilities using an assessment. Blooms comes with a handy reference on how to measure these capabilities. There are six levels defined by Blooms, they are, Remembrance, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate and Create.

The critical elements which we are referring falls under the levels of Apply, Analyze, Evaluate and Create.

Apply – Solve problems by applying knowledge, facts, techniques and rules in a unique way

List of key words: Apply, Build, Choose, Construct, Demonstrate, Develop, Draw, Experiment with, Illustrate, Interview, make use of, Model, Organize, Plan, Select, Solve, Utilize

Example questions:

  • Choose the correct answer...?
  • Develop a function for the given scenario…?
  • Construct the missing logic of the given program, so that it executes as per the business need.
  • Solve the given problem by writing a program...?

Analyze – Breaking information into parts to explore connections and relationships

List of key words: Analyze, Categorize, Classify, Compare, Contrast, Discover, Divide, Examine, Group, Inspect, Sequence, Simplify, Make Distinctions, Relationships, Function, Assume, Conclusions

Example questions:

  • Inspect the given piece of code and predict the correct output
  • Simplify the given logic, so that program executes faster?
  • Analyze the given piece of code and list down the defects…?
  • What was the problem with the given piece of code...?

Evaluate – Justifying or defending a position or course of action

List of key words: Award, Choose, Defend, Determine, Evaluate, Judge, Justify, Measure, Compare, Mark, Rate, Recommend, Select, Agree, Appraise, Prioritize, Support, Prove, Disprove. Assess, Influence, Value

Example questions:

  • Select the correct piece of the given logic which executes faster?
  • Determine what is the output of the given code...?
  • Select the correct output for the given piece of code
  • Compare the given piece of logic and recommend the correct one

Create – Generating new ideas, products or ways of viewing things

List of key words: Design, Construct, Produce, Invent, Combine, Compile, Develop, Formulate, Imagine, Modify, Change, Improve, Elaborate, Plan, Propose, Solve

Example questions:

  • Develop a web application to display the weather condition of a given city using an open API
  • Modify the given application to meet the given business scenario…?
  • Modify the given piece of logic to improve the performance of the code…?
  • Construct a new logic to solve the given problem…?

Technical know-how can be integrated with the choice of technical stack to be validated, for example if you want to assess a .NET full stack developer, then you can frame the questions using the above keywords and the cluster of .NET competency (C#, MySQL, HTML, CSS3, Angular, …)

In order to measure a learning ability of a person you have design a psychometric assessment, which is a different blog altogether by itself.

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